If you notice something on Hobbmate isn't working correctly, like a broken feature or a technical problem, try updating the app as we may have already fixed it in the latest update. If it’s still not working after updating, you can report it to us.
Make sure you've already tried First Steps to Troubleshooting common issues.
Make sure to include as much detail about the problem as possible in your report. Information like the kind of phone or tablet you were using, what you were doing when the problem occurred and adding a screenshot may help us address the issue.
Report a Problem
To report something that's not working through settings:
- Tap the Profile button or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
- Tap the Options button in the top right to go to Options & Settings page.
- Scroll down to SUPPORT section and tap Report a Problem.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
Hobbmate is proud to be a people's platform and we give people's feedback and reported issues first priority and it helps the betterment of the platform for your usage, hence we really appreciate you taking the time to consider reporting issues to us.
Alternatively, you can tell us about the problem by emailing us here.
If you want to report something else or fix a different issue:
- Learn more about how to report abuse or spam.
- Find out what to do if you're having problems logging into your Account.
- If you're looking to Send us a Feedback in general, head over to Sharing a Feedback.